Powerfully Simple Borehole Software

Tailor-made for smaller busineses

Looking for simple, cost-effective borehole log software with responsive, UK-based customer service?

You're in the right place!

Make logs like this quickly and painlessly using an Excel workbook like this (or from an AGS file).


Are you a geotechnical/geo-environmental consultancy or contractor business that needs to create borehole logs and cross-sections (and maybe even AGS files) for your ground investigation projects?

Frustrated by expensive, over-complicated options? Tired of poor customer service? Wondering why there's a £ four-figure 'cloud' add-on before you can even get started?

You are not alone.

It frustrates the sandy SILT out of us too. And we're doing something about it.


Here's what other companies like yours say about Pebble Geo.

'In terms of client experience, it’s saving us time and money, so ticking two key boxes' - Geo2.

'I couldn’t recommend Pebble more highly' - TJC Environmental.

'It is incomparable in its ease of use and value to any other logging software I have previously worked with' - GEO-LOGIC.

'Pebble Geo gives value in price and output with an easy-to-use system' - GOWN Engineers.

'It’s saving us time and money...it’s about as simple as it gets and good value for money' - Advance Consulting.


How Are We Different?

Unlike the Big Software providers, our simple borehole log software is designed specifically to work for smaller businesses and teams like yours. It's for individuals and teams that don't need an expensive, complex, sledgehammer solution. Pebble Geo is a refreshing alternative to gINT, HoleBASE, OpenGround etc.

We don't lock your data into a proprietary cloud database and then charge you extra to keep it there (you can use our Excel template). We don't make changing your company logo deliberately difficult. You'll never accidentally add another user and get charged for it!

Our products still produce beautiful logs, but they're also easy to learn and fast to operate. They require zero configuration and they work right out of the box.

You can buy them online and then start using them right away (or we can invoice you, if you prefer). Also, the UK-based, ex-BGS, Pebble Geo product team can be contacted directly, and we are always happy to talk to you!

It's all part of our philosophy to provide Powerfully Simple Geoscience Software

And we're just getting started!

Try Pebble Geo for Free!

You can try out all of the features of Pebble Geo with a free borehole log software trial. A free, no-obligation 14-day trial can be activated instantly from within the software. No sales call or credit card required.

If you'd rather we just show you what Pebble Geo can do for you please get in touch. We'd be delighted to run a demo, and we think you'll be impressed.

Clear Pricing

The big software companies want you to have a call with this fancy dude. He will want to better understand your 'unique' (and presumably expensive) needs before he will give you a price.

We don't have a fancy dude like that. We just show you the prices. That said, we are always happy to talk to you if you do fancy a chat!

When you buy a version of Pebble Geo, you're buying an activation key (for 12 or 3 months). You just paste it into the software to unlock the features you've paid for.

Pebble Geo data input uses an Excel template. You can make as many copies of this as you like for your drillers and engineers. You only need a license for the computer(s) used to publish the PDF logs.

See Prices

Get Unstuck

Don't get bogged down in the Silty Sandy CLAY!

Pebble Geo works right out of the box. It's pre-loaded with simple, neat design templates for trial pits, boreholes (including rotary) and dynamic probe logs.

No messy configuration needed. No costly template design services required. No special add-ons we conveniently forgot to mention.

Just add your logo, choose the report scale, and hit Publish!

Help Support Water Projects

We want Pebble Geo to have a positive impact on the world, so we've signed up to support charity : water with a donation for every copy of Pebble Geo sold.

703 million people lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water, and charity : water are doing something about it by installing and monitoring water wells across the globe.

For every commercial license sold, we pledge to donate the equivalent of a whole year's supply of clean water for at least one person. That's at least 5500 litres.

How does Pebble Geo actually work?

Enter your own site data using our custom Excel template, which is specially-designed for easy, rapid borehole and trial pit data entry. There's a dynamic link too, so you can edit your data in Excel as you go, and instantly pull changes through into Pebble Geo with the click of one button. What's more, the template is pre-loaded with standard legend codes, descriptions and AGS-friendly prompts. PS: you can make as many copies of the Excel template as you like, and your whole team can use it for no extra cost.

If you receive AGS data format files, you can import those too (and you can create AGS files with the Pebble Geo Plus+ level product). Pebble Geo can import AGS 3.1 and 4.x, and export 4.0.4 (AGS export available in Plus+ only). And we've tested it with big AGS datasets too. Got 1,000+ boreholes on your project? No sweat!

Pebble Geo handles multiple hole types like trial pit, cable percussion, rotary and dynamic probe. You can also add supplementary info sheets (like casing, remarks, drilling progress by time), and location photos to your reports.

Once the data is imported into Pebble Geo, there's a 'Publish' button which will generate borehole log PDFs instantly from your data, using our standard design templates and ornamentation library. Publish one log, or the whole dataset.

You can automatically add your company logo to the top of every PDF, and change the image file at any time with a couple of clicks.

We offer two versions of Pebble Geo, with different levels of functionality, so you only pay for the features you actually need.

If you like that sort of thing, you can take a look at our user guide for more detail. Click here to see download and installation instructions.

We also have a YouTube channel.

What does the software actually look like?

Clean and simple. Just a few buttons for the key tasks.

Drag data files in, or click to open the Excel template.

You'll see a list of loaded locations, a summary data panel for each location, and useful things like quick access to recently-used files.


Is Pebble Geo for me?

Pebble Geo is desktop software that lets you produce borehole log PDFs from Excel and AGS data.

It is particularly suitable for geotechnical and geo-environmental consultants and contractors working in soil, made ground and shallow geology.

It's designed with small business in mind, helping you save time and money by offering a simple, fast solution. Give it a try today!

Free Trial

About Us

We're a small, independent business, just like you.

Behind Pebble Geo is a dedicated team of UK-based geoscience software specialists, with decades of combined experience in creating solutions for technical folks.

We practiced our craft building software and data solutions for Geological Surveys in the UK and Europe.

We're always here if you need to talk to us. And you'll always be speaking directly to the core product team. We'd be delighted to schedule a no-obligation live demo of Pebble Geo too - just drop us a line!

We also have an active user engagement group, with opportunities to help shape the future of the product. Why not get involved!

We're affiliate members of the AGS by the way.

And that's it. If you read this far, we hereby reward you with a low-quality geoscience joke.

What did one tectonic plate say to the other when they bumped into each other?

"Sorry, my fault!"